their massive head shakes 'n' up 'n down motion is the most likely culprit...
compared to the side to side motion of other fishes...
halibut tend to go atomic at the surface...especially if you lift any part
of them out of the water before gaffing gaffing is crucial
to their capture...
some gaffing locations cause the halibut to "freeze" motionless...while
other locations cause them to go ballistic...flying off the gaff 'n'
breaking your heart...
the consensus is to gaff them in the gut (metric for belly) seems to
be the best place to cause them to "freeze"...making game clipping a breeze...
the only other gaff placement i've had luck with is a head shot...but that
method is dangerous since the gaff can ricochet an miss entirely...
here's pic of a belly shot...the triangular hole marks the spot...their
belly is a rather small it is easy 'n' costly...

here's a pic of a head shot...not ideal...but an option if they come up vertical...
'n' you can't plain them out horizontal...

so...wot say you...halibut fishermen...

hope this gets you'z guy'z motivated to start your little tournny's again...
would love to come down 'n' see you'z guy'z...
maybe you could get a hold of kiyo...paint n fish...tatuna...grego...
theluckypig...roby...greg andrew...'n' all the rest...